Target Segments

Target Segments

Cloud Computing

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud robotics, and blockchain applications.

Space Technologies

Changes in the market landscape, technological innovations, and democratization of the industry are revolutionizing a once closed market to new entrants.

Mobility & EV

The reinvention of car ownership, Automotive channel disruption; Streamlined shipping, reengineered freight forwarding and logistics.

Fintech and Insurtech

Expanding financial inclusion; Banking for the unbanked; Streamlined loan processing; Automated claims management.

Life Sciences

Breakthroughs in science and technology, in particular genetic mapping, are unlocking societal benefits and creating tremendous value.

Consumer Technology

Experience economy and on-demand everything; Reframing entrenched value chains; Connecting consumers and businesses to products and services.

Cloud Computing

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud robotics, and blockchain applications.

Space Technologies

Changes in the market landscape, technological innovations, and democratization of the industry are revolutionizing a once closed market to new entrants.

Mobility & EV

The reinvention of car ownership, Automotive channel disruption; Streamlined shipping, reengineered freight forwarding and logistics.

Fintech and Insurtech

Expanding financial inclusion; Banking for the unbanked; Streamlined loan processing; Automated claims management.

Life Sciences

Breakthroughs in science and technology, in particular genetic mapping, are unlocking societal benefits and creating tremendous value.

Consumer Technology

Experience economy and on-demand everything; Reframing entrenched value chains; Connecting consumers and businesses to products and services.